So as you've probably realized by now, we kinda like to eat.
Which was the case this past Sunday.
We just finished shopping for some new digs, when our collective bellies
started to grumble and rumble like a storm heading up the Allegheny.
It was a little bit after 12:00 noon, and we needed to nosh it up.
So we pull into a primo spot, and head in through the dining area door.
We notice a half eaten salad and some fries just chillin' on one of the tables, but
other than that, there are no signs of life back there.
There are a few gents enjoying a Sunday afternoon cold one or ten at the bar.
That was the first sign there were employees actually working.
After hoping someone would stroll through the swinging kitchen door for way
too many minutes, we nominated someone to go ask the bartender for assistance
in ordering our yummy morsels.
Sadly, as soon as he set forth in the beer garden regions, she disappeared, ala
Marion Hossa in the Stanley Cup Finals.
Even though we hadn't even been given one, it was the last straw.
It was time to make a move.
And we're off...
*You should all note, that I was planning to review whatever restaurant we ate at.
We find another sweet parking spot, and jump out "clown car" style.
We avoid the bar entrance, and head toward the dining entrance once again, as the
sight of too many afternoon drinkers depresses us.
The most attractive of the group reached for the door handle, with a smile on her
beautifully radiant face, that provides so much delight to me on a daily basis.
(Hi, hunny!)
But no matter how bright her smile can make a room light up, that door just
refused to open and allow us in.
Back to the car.
We didn't even have to get out of the car for either of those joints.
(-verb: see also 'rejected')
(For those of you that don't speak our language.)
Now, I know what you are all thinking...
"Why don't you cross the street and hit up the China Lobster? They are always open."
One of our party doesn't dig on chinese buffet.
That's why, so stop bugging her!
At this point, I was a little fed up.
I was almost ready to give in and just order like 13 JBC's at Wendy's.
Lucky for my passengers, I had a half tank of petro, and a strong desire
to eat some decent kibble.
So I hopped on 56, and cruised our way to G&G Restaurant in Vandergrift.
Now this is where you get screwed...
We already reviewed that place, to be honest, it's the only one we've
actually done so far.
Too bad for you.
So we got there just in time to order before the kitchen closed for the day.
It was outstanding. As always.
You can read our original review HERE.
Which was the case this past Sunday.
We just finished shopping for some new digs, when our collective bellies
started to grumble and rumble like a storm heading up the Allegheny.
It was a little bit after 12:00 noon, and we needed to nosh it up.
"Let's head to the Burrell Inn and grab some grub."
- Car Passenger
"Word up."
- Me
So we pull into a primo spot, and head in through the dining area door.
We notice a half eaten salad and some fries just chillin' on one of the tables, but
other than that, there are no signs of life back there.
There are a few gents enjoying a Sunday afternoon cold one or ten at the bar.
That was the first sign there were employees actually working.
After hoping someone would stroll through the swinging kitchen door for way
too many minutes, we nominated someone to go ask the bartender for assistance
in ordering our yummy morsels.
Sadly, as soon as he set forth in the beer garden regions, she disappeared, ala
Marion Hossa in the Stanley Cup Finals.
Even though we hadn't even been given one, it was the last straw.
It was time to make a move.
And we're off...
"Why don't we hit up Hanes, yo?"
-Car Passenger
"Word up."
- Me
*You should all note, that I was planning to review whatever restaurant we ate at.
We find another sweet parking spot, and jump out "clown car" style.
We avoid the bar entrance, and head toward the dining entrance once again, as the
sight of too many afternoon drinkers depresses us.
The most attractive of the group reached for the door handle, with a smile on her
beautifully radiant face, that provides so much delight to me on a daily basis.
(Hi, hunny!)
But no matter how bright her smile can make a room light up, that door just
refused to open and allow us in.
Back to the car.
"How about Fibber's, or Around the Back Cafe?"
- Beautiful Car Passenger
"Word up."
- Me
We didn't even have to get out of the car for either of those joints.
(-verb: see also 'rejected')
(For those of you that don't speak our language.)
Now, I know what you are all thinking...
"Why don't you cross the street and hit up the China Lobster? They are always open."
One of our party doesn't dig on chinese buffet.
That's why, so stop bugging her!
At this point, I was a little fed up.
I was almost ready to give in and just order like 13 JBC's at Wendy's.
Lucky for my passengers, I had a half tank of petro, and a strong desire
to eat some decent kibble.
So I hopped on 56, and cruised our way to G&G Restaurant in Vandergrift.
Now this is where you get screwed...
We already reviewed that place, to be honest, it's the only one we've
actually done so far.
Too bad for you.
So we got there just in time to order before the kitchen closed for the day.
It was outstanding. As always.
You can read our original review HERE.
Please don't leave a comment.
That would totally ruin our day. ;p
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Thanks for the input. Keep it real.