So we read an article today, that laid out all
the costs of the different items named, in the
popular tune "The Twelve Days Of Christmas."
It was rather expensive.
We will now break down the costs of those
items in our area.
Let's jump right in.

• Partridge, $10
Trap a sparrow in a box at Memorial Park, $1
• Pear Tree, $150
Poinsettia at Kmart, $12
• Two Turtle Doves, $56
Sneak up on two Fifth ave. pigeons,
using popcorn, $1.75
• Three French Hens, $45
Three Giant Eagle deli Rotisserie chickens, $17.97
• Four Calling Birds (canaries), $600
Four Tracfones at Walgreens, $60
• Five Golden Rings, $500
Five orders of onion rings at Harmar BK, $8.95
• Six Geese a-Laying, $150
Feed six Ducks at Burrell Lake Park
a loaf of bread, $1.89
• Seven Swans a-Swimming, $5,250
Seven one-day swim passes at the YMCA, $35
• Eight Maids a-Milking, $58
Eight mini jugs of Turner's Iced Tea, $11.12
• Nine Ladies Dancing (per performance), $5,473
Nine classes at Jazzercise, $35
• 10 Lords a-Leaping (per performance), $4,414
Ten tickets to see New Ken Civic Theater's production
of The Full Monty, $150
• 11 Pipers Piping (per performance), $2,285
Eleven old guys, smoking cherry pipe tobacco at
the Sportsman's Club, $15 (per year)
• 12 Drummers Drumming (per performance), $2,475
Valley High Drum Corp @ New Ken Christmas
parade this coming Saturday, Free
So there you have it.
Their cost: $87,403
Our cost: $349.68
That's a savings of: $87,053.32
Not bad, eh?
Congrats to Zack and Amanda on their beautiful wedding.
Also, thanks to the EKCC ladies for the yummy pancakes.
This is hilarious! Love your sense of humor. Keep up the great work.
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Thanks for the input. Keep it real.