If you have a cell phone.
If that cell phone has text messaging.
If you have friends...
Then, you probably got the picture above, at
least one time yesterday.
I personally received it 5 times.
I would go off on a huge rant here, if some of those
friends didn't read this site.
I have decided to be nicer in 2010.
I have also decided to share more (farts).
It's the sauerkraut speaking.
We hope you have a great year.
It will be everything you make of it.
We promise.
Auld Lang Syne
(Scottish pronunciation)
If that cell phone has text messaging.
If you have friends...
Then, you probably got the picture above, at
least one time yesterday.
I personally received it 5 times.
I would go off on a huge rant here, if some of those
friends didn't read this site.
I have decided to be nicer in 2010.
I have also decided to share more (farts).
It's the sauerkraut speaking.
We hope you have a great year.
It will be everything you make of it.
We promise.
Auld Lang Syne
(Scottish pronunciation)
Shid ald akwentans bee firgot,
an nivir brocht ti mynd?
Shid ald akwentans bee firgot,
an days o ald lang syn?
- Fir ald lang syn, ma jo,
fir ald lang syn,
wil tak a cup o kyndnes yet,
fir ald lang syn.
An sheerly yil bee yur pynt-staup!
an sheerly al bee myn!
An will tak a cup o kyndnes yet,
fir ald lang syn.
We twa hay rin aboot the braes,
an pood the gowans fyn;
Bit weev wandert monae a weery fet,
sin ald lang syn.
We twa hay pedilt in the burn,
fray mornin sun til dyn;
But seas between us bred hay roard
sin ald lang syn.
An thers a han, my trustee feer!
an gees a han o thyn!
And we’ll tak a richt gude-willie-waucht,
fir ald lang syn.
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