Here is one of the emails we asked for last week.
It really sounds like another great cause.
(We have been in quite the helpful mood around
here lately, eh?)
Anyways, here goes...
It really sounds like another great cause.
(We have been in quite the helpful mood around
here lately, eh?)
Anyways, here goes...
Hey there! I just found your blog via Facebook and looked it over. Great job from what I read through, I enjoy your humor.
I really doubt I could write something myself that would fit your format but maybe you might be able to use this?
If you would please take a moment to head to
to get a heads up about what I am proposing. My wife and I hosted a foreign exchange student last school year who went to Valley, and we are doing so again for this school year. I know for a fact that there are 16 kids still waiting for a family in Western PA. Four of them fly the week of Aug. 8th, 4 the week of Aug. 16th, and the rest the week of Aug. 22nd. I feel bad for them, especially the ones that fly early because they still have no idea where they are going and haven’t gotten any time to get to know their family. Unfortunately we can’t host more than one. Our first student from last school year said she was starting to feel like no one wanted her since lots of the other kids she had met already had families. We didn’t choose her until close to her arrival time because we hadn’t even considered hosting until early August. I told her people were just saving her for us. Perhaps you could put the word out that there is a need? A reference to the website, or (866) 4YFU USA would be great.
I understand completely if this doesn’t fit your blog and there are no hard feelings – just an idea and I’m trying to get the word out for these kids.
Thanks for your consideration,
We responded to Chris, and let him know we'd be happy
to spread the word.
He then sent us another email, with more info...
Would you like to help one of these children?
It would surely be a life memory.
Not just for you.
Guess who is back!
That's right kiddos, it's your Newk weatherman, Nic!

"I'm back, and I brought some 'cool' with me."

to spread the word.
He then sent us another email, with more info...
HOST FAMILIES NEEDEDYouth for Understanding, one of the nation's oldest, largest and most respected international exchange programs is looking for host families for the 2010-2011 school year. Create incredible memories for your family while giving a young person from another country (Brazil, Japan, Germany, or more than 50 countries) the opportunity to learn about America. Through this exchange, everyday experiences take a new and exciting twist - American traditions gain deeper meaning as your family introduces them to your new son or daughter; a casual family chat about world events reveals new perspectives you may never have considered; the dinner table includes exotic new dishes as your exchange students cooks up a taste of home for all to sample. It's a great education and it is lots of fun too! YFU host families represent diverse nationalities, occupations and religious backgrounds and live in cities, towns and rural areas. Our families embody the rich diversity of American culture and include: Empty Nesters, Couples with and without Children, Single People, Single Parents, Working Parents, Younger and Older Parents. As a host you will: Welcome your new son or daughter as a member of your family; Help your student adapt to your family and to US life and culture; and provide a safe and loving home environment including a bed, a place to study and three meals a day. Students have their own personal spending money. To learn more about this opportunity visit - or call Kaiti at 412-200-5669 or Alka at (866) 493-8872, x1107.
It would surely be a life memory.
Not just for you.
Guess who is back!
That's right kiddos, it's your Newk weatherman, Nic!
"I'm back, and I brought some 'cool' with me."

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Thanks for the input. Keep it real.