Halloween weekend is upon us.
Are you doing anything fun?
Will you be dressing up this year?
Are you going to be a vampire?
Will you be drinking blood?
If you do plan on drinking blood, please be aware that the Girl Scouts
would appreciate it, if you would leave a few drops for them.
See, they are holding a blood drive this Saturday from 10am to 3pm,
at the EKCC hall across from Martin School in New Kensington.
(At the corner of Powers Drive and 7th Street.)
And guess what, you get a pound of delicious Dunkin' Donuts coffee
if you donate. Booyah!
More info and RSVP's will be taken HERE.
Also happening this Saturday in New Kensington (as well as many other
local towns) is city wide Trick-or-Treat from 6pm to 8pm.
We will not be home that evening, as we have a party to go to.
So we ask you kindly...
Please do not egg our house.
We promise to leave the porch light off, as not to confuse/anger you.
Thank you.
We are kind of bummed about not being able to pass out treats to the local
Do kids still use pillowcases to collect candy?
Back in our day, pillowcases were baller.
(If you click on "baller" to find out what it means, please refer to either definition #6 or 7.)
We would now appreciate your input.
We are trying to narrow down our costume options for this Saturday.
(There is a big prize to be had, so don't mess around here.)
Are you doing anything fun?
Will you be dressing up this year?
Are you going to be a vampire?
Will you be drinking blood?
If you do plan on drinking blood, please be aware that the Girl Scouts
would appreciate it, if you would leave a few drops for them.
See, they are holding a blood drive this Saturday from 10am to 3pm,
at the EKCC hall across from Martin School in New Kensington.
(At the corner of Powers Drive and 7th Street.)
And guess what, you get a pound of delicious Dunkin' Donuts coffee
if you donate. Booyah!
More info and RSVP's will be taken HERE.
Also happening this Saturday in New Kensington (as well as many other
local towns) is city wide Trick-or-Treat from 6pm to 8pm.
We will not be home that evening, as we have a party to go to.
So we ask you kindly...
Please do not egg our house.
We promise to leave the porch light off, as not to confuse/anger you.
Thank you.
We are kind of bummed about not being able to pass out treats to the local
Do kids still use pillowcases to collect candy?
Back in our day, pillowcases were baller.
(If you click on "baller" to find out what it means, please refer to either definition #6 or 7.)
We would now appreciate your input.
We are trying to narrow down our costume options for this Saturday.
(There is a big prize to be had, so don't mess around here.)
Option #1
King Leonidas
King Leonidas

Option #2
Nacho Libre
Nacho Libre

Option #3
David Beckham

Option #4
Lee Greenwood

Here is a little background on why these costumes would work.
Our body is quite similar to that of Nacho Libre.
(That's right, ladies...hubba hubba.)
Our eyes are haunting just like Mr. Beckham's.
(We also share his obsession of tighty whities.)
Our love of America rivals that of Lee Greenwood.
Well, we really don't have anything in common with King Leonidas.
Maybe we do.
We just opened our front door and screamed "FOR SPARTA," and we
heard a few muffled voices yell "Hoo-Hoo-Hoo."
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Thanks for the input. Keep it real.