We are going to take a few minutes today, and tell you about 2 events going
on here in the NEWK.
First we have the Alle-Kiski Job Fair, that will be taking place tomorrow (Thursday)
at Penn State New Ken.

ranging from finance to manufacturing.
Understand, that this event is for anyone, not just students at the school.
So get your resume together, and wear something stylish, as there are many jobs
to be had.
We know that this is a tough time for many people, so just getting your
name out there could make a huge difference in your life.
They are expecting up to 500 people to pass through.
You should make it 501.
The future is now.
This event runs from 10am to 2pm
So now that you have a great new job, what do you plan to spend all that cash on?
We would spend it on chicken wings.
More about that soon.
But if wings ain't your thing.
You could always stop by the EKCC this Saturday (Oct 10) for a sweet flea market.
For those of you that don't know, the EKCC is located at the corner of 7th st. and
Powers dr. Right across from Martin elementary school.
There should be all kinds of awesome stuff to purchase.
And there will be food, in case you are like us, and shopping makes you hungry.
To be honest, there aren't many activities that don't make us hungry.
Hotdogs, cabbage and noodles, and many other item will be made available to you.
So stop by anytime between 8am to 3pm, and be prepared to shop
till you drop.
If you go to either event, let us know how it went.
We love emails, almost as much as cake.
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