By the looks of things, we might be getting another Sheetz convenience
store to spend our money at.
There are rumors that Lower Burrell wants in on some of the hot MTO market.

And they want to put it right at the gateway of LBC.
(The point where New Ken and Lower Burrell booty bump.)
Seems they wanna knock down half of the Crossroads Plaza and build it there.
You know the Crossroads, right?
It's right by the Walgreens and Family Video.
Yep, the place with the liquor store.
Their plan, is to move the remaining tenants into the vacant Prizants Carpet
building, even though it might be a semi-tight fit.
They would also be tearing down the old Rita's Ice building.
You remember our recent picture of it, right?

Moving on...
We all know that Lower Burrell, although a great city, is a bit of a primadonna.
And that's what we love about them.
To prove it, they don't want your run of the mill, brand new Sheetz.
They want the super fancy one like Cranberry Township has.
You know, Cranberry.
One of the most prosperous areas in the entire state.
Yeah, it sounds like they want everyone leaving New Ken to know they are
entering the awesomeness known as LBC, by taking notice of the state-of-art
gas station on their left.
Seems they made the same request years ago, when the Eckerd was erected at the
other end of Leechburg rd.
That building does provide a feeling of "high-class" when you drive by it.
Up until you hit the Dollar General 500 yards away.
So anyways, we hope everything works out in this endeavor.
As New Ken, Creighton and Springdale have been spoiled for much too long.
Death Dogs for everyone!

Not sure why my previous comment didn't post, but I wanted to remark that this is an interesting idea. I grew up not far from Crossroads Plaza in LBC, and I remember (ahem!) when Prizant's was a Del Farm Supermarket, circa the late 60s and early 70s.
Also got a big kick out of your comment about Lower Burrell as a city being somewhat of a prima donna. Yeah, I know the attitude (I still hear it from my sister-in-law because I grew up there), but I honestly never understood why. As I kid, I always wondered why it was a city at all since it didn't have what I considered any real city did have - a downtown. Sure, we had Hillcrest Shopping Center, but in my mind, it was definitely a second-string act compared to downtown New Ken in its heyday.
I used to love going to downtown New Ken on shopping trips almost every Saturday with my mom and aunt. I loved the sights, the sounds, the ordering of a burger, fries and cherry phosphate drink at Murphy's lunch counter, the whole experience. Then we'd return home to Lower Burrell, which was ... what - a suburb? a bedroom community? a couple of former farms with random collections of houses scattered all around? - a place that didn't get sidewalks on Leechburg Rd. until 1972. It's a nice quiet place, sure, and I'll always have warm and sentimental feelings about my childhood home, but I'm here to tell you as a former LBC resident - there ain't *anything* to envy about it!
To look at LBC now, of course, is to see the failure of a complete lack of urban planning. It was questionable enough when there was some semblance of a shopping area, but now with JC Penney's move to the Mills and Montgomery Ward's bankruptcy, it could make more sense for Sheetz to build their mega-center there.
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Thanks for the input. Keep it real.