So now that you trust us with your lives.
We are once again going to prove to you that
our word is bond.
Because this final reader submission of the week
makes us feel all warm and gooey inside.
Not only is it well written, but it brings up a great
topic about this area that we sometimes forget about.
(That, and they talk nice about us.
Which earns this writer extra brownie points.)
So sit back, grab some sweet tea, and let that
southern breeze blow through your hair...
No Catchy Title... SorryI read theNewk on a daily basis, probably for the last 6 months or so. Being a nice person in general, as well as friends with the great people at theNewk, I decided to honor their plea for help. Oh, and then there’s that part where they said “we’d love you forever”… and I can’t pass that up!
I was born in the area, grew up here, but decided to leave after college… you know, a small town girl wanting more. So I headed where every good Yankee wants to go… the South! I quickly found other young ‘transplants’ around town, enjoyed having the beach 2-1/2 hours in one direction and the mountains 2-1/2 hours the other way, met lots of Steelers fans. Things were good, really good. While I loved the Carolina Blue skies, the flowers and the smell of freshly cut grass (10 months out of the year), something was missing. My family didn’t relocate with me, so obviously I missed them, but there was something else too. Not until I returned to my roots did I realize what it was…
… the heritage – the heritage of this area and the people. The South has heritage, but it’s different. It doesn’t feel the same. You don’t have the major ancestry groups and everything that goes along with that, the churches, the family-owned/run stores, the activities. Well, I’m sure they exist in the South, but they don’t seem to be recognized like they are here. This area has people of Greek, Irish, Polish, Italian, and Syrian decent to name a few, and all the delicious food too (I like those at theNewk love a tasty meal). So next time you’re fixin’ to go out and you see a sign for the Italian Day picnic, or drive past the Ukrainian Orthodox Church or have a hankering for homemade kibbeh and meat pies… remember to celebrate the vast ethnicity and heritage of the area and where you come from. I know I am, y’all!
Apologies for the Southern terminology – it’s only been a few months
So, before we say goodbye for the weekend, we would
like to take a moment and thank those of you that
decided to take a chance, and help us out.
It's not easy putting yourself out there like that.
(Actually for us, it is that easy, because we lack any
sense of tact.)
But anyways, we thank you all.
Well done, you.
And for anyone that considered writing something, but
decided for one reason or another not to...
Please reconsider, cause we would love to hear from you.
like to take a moment and thank those of you that
decided to take a chance, and help us out.
It's not easy putting yourself out there like that.
(Actually for us, it is that easy, because we lack any
sense of tact.)
But anyways, we thank you all.
Well done, you.
And for anyone that considered writing something, but
decided for one reason or another not to...
Please reconsider, cause we would love to hear from you.
Here is your Newk Weekend Weather Report
badly. Pretty much like Honeymoon In Vegas."

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Thanks for the input. Keep it real.