We heard about a contest that the Trib is running.
They call it:
The Trib's 2010 Peep Show Contest
So here's the deal.
We've seen last year's entries, and they are pretty good.• Choose a scene from history, a movie,Entries are due by March 22.
advertising or pop culture.
• Build your diorama using a shoebox or similar-sized space.
Create a setting, furnishing, a backdrop you are limited
only by your imagination and your glue gun.
• Take digital photos of your diorama from several angles,
and send them two of the best as high-resolution JPEG
attachments via e-mail. Include your name, address, telephone
number and the title of your masterpiece. Extra credit goes
to those who know how to cleverly fling a good pun.
Email them to peeps@tribweb.com
But we feel that our readers have much more skill.
And obviously, you have great taste, because you
are reading our website.
Sounds like fun, huh?
So why are we really telling you about this?
Because we want to have a little bit of fun.
And our idea of fun is crashing parties.
Wait, that doesn't make any sense.
Oh, but it does.
We want you to try and sneak our name into
your creation.
The sneakier, the better.
Go ahead and impress us.
We dare you.
Now, our entry will be obvious.
You'll see.
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