We have been trying to convince our man J-Dub (pictured below) to
pen an advice-type column for us here.

Many of the emails we get at thenewkblog@gmail.com, as us various
questions about different goings-ons.
And out of everyone we know, J-Dub is the man we turn to for advice, and
general worldly knowledges.
So here is a recent email we received...
Q: Some prelim elections are happening soon. Who are you voting for and why?
- T
J-Dub: We generally stay away from politics around here. But since you
too the time to ask, I will shoot a few thought-nuggets your way...
The Congressional race between Critz and Altmire seems to be the
hot ticket around these parts. The two Dem reps are running against
each other in the new 12th District.
With local boy Santorum stepping out of the presidential race, and
Mitt pretty much running away with things, we don't see many folks
leaving their crib for that.
I do know one thing... Altmire signed the crap out of the overpass.
That makes us not like him so much.
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Thanks for the input. Keep it real.