Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We Are Such A Tease

Watch this...

It's coming.

Are you ready?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Random Picture Monday (11-29-10)

You know we crushed some pancakes yesterday.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Week (Black Friday)

Did you find any awesome deals?

We didn't.

Maybe that's because we didn't go anywhere?

Either way, happy Black Friday to you!

How was your Thanksgiving?

Ours was awesome.

But who didn't know that?

Now, we are still basking in the tryptophinatical turkey
coma from yesterday.

So here's what we're gonna do.

We are going to post a clip of maybe the greatest holiday
shopping commercial of all time.



We almost forgot to tell you.

There is an All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast at the
EKCC this Sunday morning.

Here are the details...

Sunday, November 28 · 8:30am - 1:30pm

E.K.C.C. (East Kensington Community Circle)
Corner of Strawn Avenue and Powers Drive
(Across from Martin School) New Kensington, PA

More Info
$5 at the door for adults
Children ages 4 to 10 are $3
Children 3 and under are FREE

These ladies to tons to help our community.

Please show some support, and join us for delicious pancakes.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Week (Thursday) Thanksgiving Day!

We are thankful for you.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

theNewk Team

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Week (Wednesday)

We told you yesterday that we have other things
on our minds.


Mashed Taters
Pumpkin Pie
Cranberry Sauce
Pumpkin Rolls

We will now continue to post pictures taken by our
awesome friend.

She rocks.

And so do these shots.


And in case you don't read the internet tomorrow, have
an amazing Thanksgiving.

Gobble gobble ya'll.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Week (Tuesday)

So yeah, we love Thanksgiving.


We LOVE it.

There is nothing about it that doesn't rock.

In turn, we like to celebrate.

And celebrating to us, means doing as little as possible.
(It also means drinking a bunch of beer.)

So today, we post a few pictures that a great friend of ours took
for us at the New Ken/Arnold Veterans parade.

She took a bunch, but we will only post a couple today.


And introducing to you...

The Greatest. Socks. Ever.


What a great start to Thanksgiving week, eh?

It's gonna be a good one.

We can feel it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Random Picture Monday (11-22-10)

Gene is an O.G.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Bottle O' Red, Bottle O' White

If you had to pick a place to put the first self-serve
wine kiosk in the valley, where would you choose?

If you the theNewk offices, you are correct.

Seriously though, you'd put it in the New Ken Giant Eagle.


And that's exactly what the PLCB did.

They put it right by the main entrance, and prices range
from $5.99 to $39.99 (which means they doubtfully
have and Mad Dog 20/20).

You make your selections.
You put your ID in.
Some person in a tiny office in Harrisburg looks at your
ID, and matches it to one of 2 live camera images of you.
If the Great Oz believes its you, you then put your
payment card in.
You then have to blow into a zero tolerance breathalyzer.
If you got booze on the breath, you get no vino.
If everything checks out, you get the goods.


Fox Chapel is in line to get the next one.

In all, 14 Giant Eagles should have them by Christmas.

There is no excuse, why you don't buy us a bottle or 2
for the holidays this year.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

We Do Other Stuff Too

We have a few things going on these days.

So watch this video until we get our crap together.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So yesterday, we told you that a local establishment is considering putting a Newk inspired sandwich on the menu.

We asked you for suggestions.

We got a few.

And the ones we got were awesome.

But we wanted more.

We feel we deserve more.

So until we get more, you can consider us on strike.

Email em.
Twitter em.
Facebook em.
Or post em here.


We'll see you soon.
(Or will we?)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

An Offer We Can't Refuse

We are gonna let you in on a little secret:

We rock.

And how do you confirm the fact that you do "rock?"

When a restaurant names a sammich after you.

And that is the offer on the table for us right now.

So here's what we need from you...

We need your ideas as to what should be on the sandwich.

Post it here.
Post it on facebook.
Send us an email.

We don't care how you do it.

Just get your sammy idea to us, immediately.

It can be a classic.
It can be innovative.
It can be what you ate for lunch today.

We aren't picky.

We will take our favorite ideas, and put it up for a vote.

We will then dine in the afterglow of awesomeness.

Nom nom nom.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Random Picture Monday (11-15-10)

We want ours on Syrian.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Forgiveness Is Key

We've had a long week.

We work very hard.

We try to do all we can for our readers.

We have been playing a little too much Call Of Duty Black Ops.

We are starting our weekend early.

Be safe, have fun, see you Monday.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day 2010

It's been a while since one of our favorite humans
has graced our site.

Actually, it's been too long.


Don't forget, today is the New Ken/Arnold Veterans Day Parade.

Info HERE.

Get out there and support all the men and women that
have honorably served this great nation.

We thank all of them.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kettle Up

It's that time of year people.

The time of year when we all smile a little easier.
The time of year we are a little quicker to lend a helping hand.
The time of year to take care of one another.

Here is your chance.

The New Kensington Salvation Army is looking for groups to
man our Red Kettles.

The groups can be from churches, clubs, boys or girls scouts
or even just a group of friends and families.

People who have stood kettles for us in the past
have always commented on how fun and meaningful it
was to ring the bells at one of our kettles.

The money raised at the kettles not only helps up help
those in need at Christmas time but year round.

If interested please give us a call at 724-335-7221.

We here at theNewk are going to try and help as much
as we can this holiday season.

And we'd like to think that some of you may also partake
in this annual tradition.

When we figure out where and when we will be, we'll be sure
to tell you all, so you can come make our kettle filled with ching.

Don't hesitate to call that number.

People need our help.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Apple Bottom Jeans

We got an email today from one of our favorite readers.

If anyone has a way with words, its this guy.

If you read this site on the regular, the name Frank the Stank
is totally familiar to you.

If this is the first time you've heard that name, go ahead
and buckle your seatbelt...

Hey Newk people,

its Frank the stank here. I wanted to write to you and let you know that I hit the final score of the steeler game on my football poll. I didnt won big ol bags of cabbage but it will be just enough to get my female dem Apple bottom jeans shes been eyeing up. Hell yeah, I love making money. oh right you know I checked in on Facebook the other day in the Newk. yep on my new Android celly peice. gotta run cause some chicken heads be slammin on muh door.

Frank the Stank

Well folks, there he is.

And he's right, you can now "check in" on facebook, stating your
location as The Newk.

We already have 2 live spots in the area, with more soon
to come.

Go ahead, try it out.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Random Picture Monday (11-08-10)

Winter has officially arrived.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Blah Blah Friday

We have nothing specific to talk about.

So we'll just blah blah blah.

First off, J-Dub did a little bit of Halloween partying
this past Saturday.

Unfortunately, the only pictures of him are with friends
of ours, and we wouldn't want to give any leads to
our long list of stalkers, looking to find out our identities.

Maybe the friends won't mind if we blur their faces?

We shall see.


We could talk about the Tarentum Elks getting robbed
last evening.

It was a main story on the news last night, as the SWAT
team got called, cause they thought the perps were still in there.

We totally love saying the word 'perps.'


We considered talking about the coming snowfall.

F that.


We then thought about posting a random catchy tune type
video from youtube, but voted against it.

Then I, the almighty Newk creator, said...

"Let there be videos and music on this Friday."

So here you go.

Of course, they made a remix.

Let's kick it...


Have a good weekend, Newkers.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Week From Today

One short week from today is the New Ken/Arnold
Veteran's Parade.

The ceremony starts at 10:30am
@ Roosevelt Park in Arnold.

The parade starts at 11am and come down Fifth Ave.
starting in Arnold and ending at 9th. in New Ken.

Ceremony finishes at the Gold Star Mothers Monument,
just across the street from the People's Library.

Everyone is welcome.

Here is the video we made of last year's parade and ceremony:

It's doubtful we will be able to attend this year, but we are
going to try everything to get there.

It really is an amazing event, and we have mad respect for
everyone involved.

So mark your calendars, and head on downtown.

You will feel better about yourself, and your town.

We promise.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

He's baaaaaa-aaaccckkkkkk

A little while back, we got an email from a bloke
named Rich.

He wasn't happy about the fact that we don't make posts
on Saturdays.

His anger over this, made us chuckle.

Well, he's back.

And he's at it again...


Ok. That story should have been broke on SATURDAY.

I just don't get it?


Anyways, he was talking about the story we talked
about yesterday.

The story about the Memorial Park arsonist.

We aren't sure, but we figure the arson happened this
past weekend maybe?

Either way, we dig Rich.

He will now be known as "Angry Rich."

All hail Angry Rich!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We Aren't Happy

We found out some disturbing news yesterday.

We were told about an arsonist that has been attempting
to burn down the bathrooms, and other buildings at one
of theNewk's pride and joys.

Memorial Park.

The limited info we have to this breaking story, is that
after a few tries, some jackass finally got it right and
burned the bathrooms to the ground.

They even managed to recently burn down a porta-john
down there.

What kind of jagoff does this on his own turf?

Maybe they are from somewhere else, but we doubt it.

We take this personally.

That is our park.

We won't stand for this.

If you have any info at all, please email us here, and
we will get it to the proper people.

You will be totally anonymous, as we will send the info

You have our word.

And it's as strong as a Memorial Park oak tree.

Now, we aren't calling for vigilante justice (yet).

So please take the proper steps in stopping these a-holes.


On another note, it's election day.

We were approached by a campaign or 3 about backing them.

But we don't roll like that.

We will tell you to go vote.

It's your right.
It's your duty.
It's your government.

We're mainly happy that we won't be getting 5 pieces of
junkmail in our mail slot each day.

Hip hip...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Random Picture Monday (11-01-10)

10 Minute.