Big Brother is coming.
No, not our favorite reality show.
We are talking about the eyes in the sky.
Bids are being submitted to install a wireless 29-camera surveillance
system, from Tarentum to Sharpsburg.
The DA received nearly $300,000 for this system, from a few different
One being the Department of Homeland Security.
These will be installed on a bunch of bridges heading down the
Some of them being:
62nd Street
Highland Park
Hulton (pfffftt)
As well as our own Tarentum Bridge and Ninth St. bridge.
(Cameras on both sides of both bridges)
Some big intersections (Fox Chapel being one of them) will
also get some camera action.
And all over route 28.
We think this is a good idea.
This technology was used to help capture the guy that raped those
women in Ross Township.
Some of these cameras will be able to zoom in on license plates.
(Tarentum Bridge)
Police will be able to access these via laptop, due to the web-access
these things offer.
So make sure you are all glammed-up by Fall, because that is
the planned time frame to be up and running.

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