There was an article in the papers yesterday, where
our Mayor (Tom Guzzo) pointed out the positive
things going on in New Kensington lately.
And we're like...
"Hey, that's exactly what we try and do."
So in case you didn't read it, or read about these things
on this site, we figured we'd give you some Cliff's Notes.
Here ya go.
New streetlights.
New welcoming sign.
Demolishing 30 busted buildings.
At least 9 new businesses.
Computers in cop cars.
Cameras at major intersections.
Extensive officer training.
New grants from Weed and Seed.
3 new neighborhood watch groups.
Garbage bill collection program.
Money for Memorial Park.
Continuation of the Christmas tree recycle program.
And a kick butt holiday dinner to end the year.
The one thing he conveniently left out, was the mention
of an awesome non-profit website dedicated to the many
positive things happening in this city.
It's cool.
We've been dissed before.
As long as he keeps trying to better this city, we won't
hold a grudge for too long.
Maybe he'll read this, and send us a personal email
or something?
Here's your Newk Weekend Weather Report:
(Welcome back, Nic.)
"It's gonna be white and cold, like Vanilla Ice."

our Mayor (Tom Guzzo) pointed out the positive
things going on in New Kensington lately.
And we're like...
"Hey, that's exactly what we try and do."
So in case you didn't read it, or read about these things
on this site, we figured we'd give you some Cliff's Notes.

New streetlights.
New welcoming sign.
Demolishing 30 busted buildings.
At least 9 new businesses.
Computers in cop cars.
Cameras at major intersections.
Extensive officer training.
New grants from Weed and Seed.
3 new neighborhood watch groups.
Garbage bill collection program.
Money for Memorial Park.
Continuation of the Christmas tree recycle program.
And a kick butt holiday dinner to end the year.
The one thing he conveniently left out, was the mention
of an awesome non-profit website dedicated to the many
positive things happening in this city.
It's cool.
We've been dissed before.
As long as he keeps trying to better this city, we won't
hold a grudge for too long.
Maybe he'll read this, and send us a personal email
or something?
Here's your Newk Weekend Weather Report:
(Welcome back, Nic.)

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