Hey everyone!
How are things?
We have been overwhelmed by the amount of attention we have been getting
as of late, so we thought it'd be a good idea to catch up on a few things
that we've put off.
1. We'd like to thank you all (again), for the support and word of mouth that
you have been providing us.
Yay, you!
2. We went to the Hyde Park community days a week or so ago, and here are
some pictures for you to see.
The Hyde Park liberty bell.
(Honestly, we aren't sure of the significance of this bell. Any help is appreciated.)
Plenty of tables to eat the tasty Hyde Park treats.

Said treats.

The intoxicating aroma of bbq ribs and chicken had our nostrils and nipples at full attention.

The 1/2 of a chicken that took me all of 7 minutes to devour.
No idea why we took/posted this picture.

And you know our motto:
"Where there is chuck-a-luck, you will find theNEWK.com."
Thanks goes out to all the volunteers and food salespeople.
3. We also told you of "Cow Drop Bingo" this past Saturday in Apollo.
Unfortunately, our fear of udders rendered us unable to attend.
Lucky for you, one of our valued readers sent us a sweet picture.
The Apollo Ridge girls basketball team were selling snowcones.
We love snowcones.
Actually, we love most foods colored blue.
(Fact: I once tried to drink Windex, because I thought it would taste like a blue freezer-pop.)
(Fact #2: This happened like 3 weeks ago.)
4. We tried to help promote the adoption marathon at Animal Protectors
this past weekend.
We got word that 2 of our readers adopted a dog.
We probably had nothing to do with it, but that is not what matters.
Thank you so much for helping a dog in need!
We hope Zippy provides you countless years of doggy kisses.
5. We are currently in talks with local establishments.
We are trying to get some sweet giveaway items for you all.
If you know of a local business that might be interested in getting some exposure
here at the Newk, please email us at
6. Peace and chick grease.
See you tomorrow.
How are things?
We have been overwhelmed by the amount of attention we have been getting
as of late, so we thought it'd be a good idea to catch up on a few things
that we've put off.
1. We'd like to thank you all (again), for the support and word of mouth that
you have been providing us.
Yay, you!
2. We went to the Hyde Park community days a week or so ago, and here are
some pictures for you to see.
The Hyde Park liberty bell.
(Honestly, we aren't sure of the significance of this bell. Any help is appreciated.)

Plenty of tables to eat the tasty Hyde Park treats.

Said treats.

The intoxicating aroma of bbq ribs and chicken had our nostrils and nipples at full attention.

The 1/2 of a chicken that took me all of 7 minutes to devour.

No idea why we took/posted this picture.

And you know our motto:
"Where there is chuck-a-luck, you will find theNEWK.com."

Thanks goes out to all the volunteers and food salespeople.
3. We also told you of "Cow Drop Bingo" this past Saturday in Apollo.
Unfortunately, our fear of udders rendered us unable to attend.
Lucky for you, one of our valued readers sent us a sweet picture.
The Apollo Ridge girls basketball team were selling snowcones.

Actually, we love most foods colored blue.
(Fact: I once tried to drink Windex, because I thought it would taste like a blue freezer-pop.)
(Fact #2: This happened like 3 weeks ago.)
4. We tried to help promote the adoption marathon at Animal Protectors
this past weekend.
We got word that 2 of our readers adopted a dog.
We probably had nothing to do with it, but that is not what matters.
Thank you so much for helping a dog in need!
We hope Zippy provides you countless years of doggy kisses.
5. We are currently in talks with local establishments.
We are trying to get some sweet giveaway items for you all.
If you know of a local business that might be interested in getting some exposure
here at the Newk, please email us at
6. Peace and chick grease.
See you tomorrow.
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Thanks for the input. Keep it real.