We are selling this site.
First person to show up to our offices with $13 in
unmarked/nonconsecutive ones, gets it.
Obviously, we are totally lying.
We don't think for a second that someone would pay
that kinda ching-chang for this mess.
But anyways...
The sale we referenced is for real.
It's gonna be a big flea market type deal at the
Freedom Inn on Freeport Rd.
It's taking place this coming Saturday Sept. 18.
8am - 4pm
It costs $5 per table.
Just contact Weezy by phone, or stop in
for a cold one. (Our personal choice.)
(724) 334-0316
You can purchase a sales table, all the way up until that day.
So grab some of that crap in your garage, and try to sell it
to someone else.
Fun times.
We might even be there, selling t-shirts and autographed
pictures of J-Dub.

Truth is, we may sleep through the entire thing, so be
sure to check our facebook page that morning to
be sure we'll be there.
K thanks.
First person to show up to our offices with $13 in
unmarked/nonconsecutive ones, gets it.
Obviously, we are totally lying.
We don't think for a second that someone would pay
that kinda ching-chang for this mess.
But anyways...
The sale we referenced is for real.
It's gonna be a big flea market type deal at the
Freedom Inn on Freeport Rd.
It's taking place this coming Saturday Sept. 18.
8am - 4pm
It costs $5 per table.
Just contact Weezy by phone, or stop in
for a cold one. (Our personal choice.)
(724) 334-0316
You can purchase a sales table, all the way up until that day.
So grab some of that crap in your garage, and try to sell it
to someone else.
Fun times.
We might even be there, selling t-shirts and autographed
pictures of J-Dub.
Truth is, we may sleep through the entire thing, so be
sure to check our facebook page that morning to
be sure we'll be there.
K thanks.
Fantastic! Love the idea! Hope the weather holds!
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Thanks for the input. Keep it real.